30 November 2009

Nana’s Gift

For ages, the spirits of artists
have been filling heaven.
enhancing the gallery of clouds
filling the closet of colors, ideas and brush-strokes.
Even working with light in northern evenings.

The conventional white and blue, still popular,
images of random objects, animals, faces of lovers;
within the white and gray.

Sometimes they give us a blue canvas
with small faded clouds, far away,
like missed chalk-marks on a lazily cleaned board.
Other days, they overdo themselves,
leaving us to guess the colors we would see.
The sun blocked by a pile of afghans.

Today, the sky is a gift
from my grandmother
whispering to the spirits
Try to add green, he loves green
and layer it, he bores easily


Ciara Brehony said...


Anonymous said...

I've been reading down through your entries and wow....just wow....I love your style. I hope to someday write as well as you. You are very talented.(:

Jeannette StG said...

How coincidental -I'm called "Nana" and I'm an artist! Are you talking about your Nana?
I like your style of poetry:)